





Q: What kind of company is Astre?

A: Astre is a semi-conductor fabless company,

We specialize in natural language processing and advanced signal processing over a variety of physical media.



Q: What does Astre do?

A: Astre designs and implements applications in natural language processing and advanced signal processing,

Those applications are designed down to integrated circuit and semi-conducting wafer level to optimize resource usage and energy-efficiency,

Battery consumption and Memory consumption are becoming increasingly heavy problems on Internet of Everything (IoE) devices, due to the accelerating rate in data transmission and telecommunications capabilities.

We design those applications made in-house for widespread adoption in everyday apps and sensors.



Q: What kind of applications is Astre concerned with?

A: Astre’s applications relate to widespectrum signal reception and processing over commercial point to point RF, optical, molecular and atomic links.

In leveraging technologies such as Massive MIMO antennaes, beamforming and interferometry;
We optimize channel translation against adversarial error data sets for increased accuracy.

As such, Astre is able to better ground universal language translation and advanced signal optimization.
Our technologies rest on advanced mathematical structures adapted against chaotic and extreme conditions.




Q: How does Astre provide services for its users?

A: Astre addresses problems in the aerospace and defense industry, the naval industry, the automative industry, the sensor industry, the semi-conductor fabless industry, as well as the software industry.

We focus on challenging new problems which face enduring and extreme conditions, which are widespread and aggravating for our users and customers, who gravely need those problems to be fixed.